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Eddie Hark

After living 25 years of my life around the world, a failed golf career, going to two years of acting school, getting called racial slurs, people slanting eyes at me, calling me half with a stinky tone, living each day, getting rejected plenty of times, losing a friend to people hating.

 I came to a conclusion that I truly believe in. 

99% of the problems in the world can be solved with Love

Because Love is always the answer

Love your self, and you’ll be happy
Love others, and you’ll feel joy
Love nature, and you’ll find peace

Why hate? Why bring others down?

But most importantly, why bring your self down?

Hatred is a terrifying blind fold that blocks the soft light, disabling your self to see the beauty in everything
It makes you forget where you are at, and what you are about

Hark! Means to listen.
Listen to your self, and you’ll get new ideas
Listen to others, and you’ll learn something new
Listen to nature, and you’ll find the right path

Be your self and feel confident with the spirit of Eddie Hark


  1. I am happy with your words
    I also believe

  2. all the words we needed to see are right there. Let us move forward from this, and with love. ❤️

  3. Thank you for sharing a POSITIVE message!

  4. please do not forget that
    you are you
    they are them
    they do not know anything
    there are many different perspectives
    nothing is perfect
    as you said love can solve many things
    love yourself more so the peace will come to you
    it will take time
    it needs to take time
    you will just go with your own pace
    nobody can say anything

  5. think so too
    all need is love, and to listen to myself and others.
    I hope you and the world become to PEACE, and your world also will be full of love.
    Thank you kai.

  6. Beautiful words that the world needs to hear right now. This should go viral! Love you!

  7. Well said. Love is the answer and the question we need i life

  8. I’ m happy to hear from you. I also believe in the power of love. I’m a Japanese, studying English. Now, I understood the meaning of ‘Hark’’.
    I hark your voice here.
    I hark your think here.
    Please continue writing here.
    Thank you

  9. Much Love and Light Kai. I see your heart and adore your character. Keep believing in yourself because you're amazing! ♡

  10. 快くんのその言葉に共感し救われました。応援してます:)

  11. Love is the divine.
    Love unites us, love drives us.

    Lust is not love
    Love does not come with strings attached
    Love connects us on a metaphysical level
    Love is the foundation of life.

    Love is unconditional compassion for yourself, those around you, for this world and for the universe.

    I choose to love, because love chose me. We are all here because of love.


  12. I agree! <3 Love is the answer.

  13. You're a genuinely good person, despite life's misgivings and circumstances. Stay empathetic.

  14. <3 What the world needs now! Take care, Kai!

  15. I just wanted to say that it would really be cool if u made your own merch with your art on it.. it would be dope on a hoodie or T-shirt i mean i would want it and probably everyone would^^

  16. Mistakes are made but none deserve to be judged by strangers.
    Hate shouldn't have that much power, love is much more significant and I hope you are loved enough.
    Take care

  17. I had a dream last night where i gave you a hug. It made me feel at ease knowing that i was somehow able to extend kindness to someone else, even if it was on a different plane of reality than what we are bounded by. You have been on my mind recently as i can relate intensely to the paralysing fear of being displaced by life's many obstacles and debilitating uncertainties. As someone ahead in time, looking back, it doesn't really get easier. But what you said resonated with my real life experiences, that although life can only be difficult, if you can listen without judgement, speak without needing a reply and love without expecting anything in return, then it's just easier to move on and be yourself. take care and peace out.

  18. Thank you Kai, I've recently came to the same conclusion about love.
    After almost 20 year of living and making many mistakes, I finally feel confident about the future.
    There have been many bleak and scary times, but some good times always follow.
    After having hatred in my heart for many years now, I'm trying to change for the better because it's the best possible decision in my life.
    I appreciate your thoughts and words because they give me hope for the future, not just for me but for my friends and family.
    Stay safe and loved, I will continue to do the same!

  19. That was deep ❤
    Good perspective tho. xo

  20. love makes no sense. why do we sacrifice ourselves for others? without knowing the implications? why would we feel the need to save a disabled person who can offer less to the world than us? why do we put ourselves on the line for any other living thing? love makes zero sense. but thats why we should listen to it. it defies nature and physics. it defies evolutionary mechanics. it is greater than us all, so we should always love

  21. Hope you are ok man and everything goes well for you from now on. It will get better. You exhibit a nice art skill and I encourage to keep going.

  22. I wish we lived in the ideal world where love really could solve everything, but we also shouldn't force ourselves to just love and believe we can flip a switch that would suddenly make everything ok, because the world doesn't work like that.
    People love to criticize. Being a Half (bicultural/biracial) it is like never being enough or being forced to choose one culture over the other. I dont know why it is hard for people to understand that being a Half doesn't make you less of, it makes you unique. It still takes me time to fully accept that my two halves actually make me whole and form part of who I am.
    I think acceptance of things for how they are (not trying to change something into a boxed ideal) is what will lead to organic, true love. Thus why it is so important to listen!
    Hark! And don't let the haters take away your voice.
    This is nice. I feel like what you write allows for a space of conversation and dialogue, which the world needs more of.
    Stay safe and take care!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. There is no good or bad. Just experience. There is always an opposite side of love. It is what it is

  25. I hope you're doing ok, Kai. Hang in there. ��

  26. Thank you for sharing this. I agree that the most important thing is to be kind and loving to other people.

    I remember growing up I loved Pokemon, and one reason was because everyone in that world was kind to each other, and the bad guys were obviously bad because they wanted to take advantage of others. I used to think how great our world would be if people treated each other like they did in Pokemon.

    While that will never happen, we can still be loving to the people around us. That creates ripples that will go on to affect people in ways we don’t know.

    Thanks for sharing

  27. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬
    God the creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom, origin of all being - He loves YOU! You are worth it all! Jesus loves YOU Kai! ♡ God wants to be our partner throughout life. His truth will set us free - LOVE ! ♡


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