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In my life, i haven't had lots of friends

There were people around me, but it was hard for me to call them a true friend

But what is a true friend?

I think a true friend is someone who has my back when I'm in the gutter

but it also goes the other way around

someone i would help and be there for them

My family left me to Arizona so Yesterday I had an amazing Christmas with my Friends

I went shopping for some wine, ham, and cheese went to the park and just...talked

Talked about life, talked about an idea, and talked about if its actually possible to kill a person with the edge of a Tofu, inspired by the Japanese joke

I met up with my friend thats 42 years old after and talked about me

Whats going on in the house, what he thought watching two episodes of it

He seemed really happy for me and that makes me happy!

I went to the home party and met up with all my other friends and their friends for a Christmas party

Everyone seemed happy, joyful, and fun

We ate Takoyaki and Pasta an odd combination but a really good one

It somehow got to the point where we all watched the show together

That was a weird feeling but everyone seemed happy so I was happy

At this place i realized how dark an everyday conversation be and how it can affect the people around us

But i want to talk about that at another time

I love my friends, I love my family

Thanks Everyone


  1. Life can be tough, but you are a blessing to many people. Merry Christmas!

  2. I hope you find a true friend because you seem like an alright guy


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